The Sacred Plants
Sacred. Regarded with great respect and reverence.
My ancestors came from among the stars. In the beginning they were all Sky People, Tzi-Sho. This is the Osage, 𐓷𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟, story of our beginnings. I know our people hold many stories. My grandmother would tell me what she knew of our people. The bits and pieces of our history.
She talked about the sacred cedar and the way our people would use it in ceremonies.
Other plants such as sage, sweetgrass, and tobacco are considered sacred plants to many of our native people.
Some say that as artists, our work reflects our life experiences. My work has been shifting to a more indigenous theme as I research my heritage and connect with our language and how deeply our language connects us to the earth.
I hope you can see growth as I work my thoughts out through my hands.
I hope you feel the growth and the connection as you wear the pieces that I create.